PeopleSoft NA Payroll or HCM Functional Training:

PeopleSoft NA Payroll or HCM Functional Training:

Please send email to for enrolling the course or call me @8897575066. Please see below HCM Functional training AGENDA.

Payroll for North America training AGENDA.

This is an online Functional Training. Training goes through webex and explain you with real time execution of processes with examples. Recordings and documentation will be given once the training is done.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

PeopleSoft Time and Labour Insight - Posted by mybasicknowledge

Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor is a flexible, integrated solution designed to support the time reporting needs of a wide range of business functions, including payroll, financial and cost accounting

Time Reporting Code 
·         Used to track employee time to support administrative and compensation needs
·         TRC type could be Hours, Amount(bonus) or Unit (per visit – mileage)
·         Keeps track of how employees are spending their time e.g REG,OVT,COMP
·         Can map TRC to earning code and advisable to sync with payroll
·         You assign TRCs to TRC Programs, which are ultimately assigned to workgroups. Multiple workgroups can share these TRC Programs.
·         Can clone a TRC Program
·         Group of employees who share identical compensation requirement
·         May include all employees
o   In a business enterprise
o   In a pay group
o   Belonging to the same union
o   Who work at the same location
o   Each employee must belong to a workgroup
o   Must set up at least one workgroup
·         Checklist for workgroup members
o   Same reporting type: exception or positive
o   Same holiday schedule
o   Same TRC program
o   Same compensation rules
o   Same needs for time approval
o   Same association to a comp. Off plan
o   Same day breaker
o   Similar rounding rules
  • A taskgroup is a group of employees who have similar work or task – reporting requirements
  • Three types of task reporting
    • Without task data
    • Task template reporting
    • Task profile reporting
  • Taskgroups identify the default time reporting template, task template, and task profiles that are valid for members of the taskgroup
  • Some organizations refer to taskgroups as labor classes or labor class rate groups
  • Task: attributes of reported time such as department, product or project – that defines how or where time was spent
  • Task template you specify which task entities you want members of a taskgroup to report their time to (i.E. Company , department , project)
  • Task profile “fill in the blanks “ for a task template. If used, a time reporter task related fields will be completed automatically with the values in the task profile
·         Main goal is to communicate work expectations to time reporters
·         Facilitates the planning and compensation of time
·         Compulsory for exception employees, optional for  positive time reporters
·         Provides scheduled information that time administration uses to create payable time for exception reporters
·         Can create automated schedule calendars
·         Ability to accept schedules that have been created outside of the system, either from a third-party workforce scheduling system or another source
Steps in creating A schedule calendar
·         Create shifts - shifts are the most basic building blocks of work schedules and are used to create workdays. You can create elapsed, flex, and punch shifts
·         Create workdays - daily work pattern built with shifts. In most cases one shift = one workday
·         Create schedule templates - schedule templates are sequential patterns of workdays and are used to build schedule definitions
·         Create schedule definitions- schedule definitions allow the user to specify which template or combination of templates will be built into a schedule calendar
·         Build schedule calendars - schedule calendars show the scheduled work hours over a period of time. The period varies depending on your organization
Time Collection Devices
·         Control over how you want the system to collect and send time related information to and from your time collection devices
·         TCD interface provides packaged integration points to:
o   Collect clock and elapsed time from any TCD
o   Send necessary setup data to these devices for reporting
·         System supports scheduling, reporting, managing and applying rules to TCD time
·         You can create a separate group for TCD time reporters
Create Time Reporter Data
·         You can create time & labor employee data in two places
o   During the hiring process on time reporter link in job
o   After an employee is hired on create time reporter data
·         Workgroup and taskgroup are required fields
·         You can also enter up to 5 rules
·         In addition to delivered PS security, time & labor offers group security
·         Optional
·         Ability to grant access to any/all fields on 6 records: employment, job, personal data, schedule assignment, TL employee data and group PayGroup
·         Can assign security by group - permission list
·         TL permission list security gives access to perform prior period adjustments
·         Flexible adhoc grouping function
·         Time reporters must belong to one group
·         Time reporters may belong to several groups simultaneously
·         Can be independent of workgroups and taskgroups but don’t have to be
·         Certain processes that use groups are security, mass time reporting, group schedule assignment, approving time, time administration and managing exceptions
·         Group can be dynamic or static
·         Rules templates delivered by PS
·         Can create custom rules using SQL
·         Some sample rules delivered:
o   Daily Threshold          .
o   Period threshold
o   Holiday Rule
o   Guaranteed hours for non scheduled day
o   Approval required
o   Exceptions
o   Default rule
Attendance Program
·         Attendance tracking is an optional feature that allows you to track punch-related attendance infractions such as
o   reporting late for work
o   leaving work early
o   taking long lunches
o   taking advantage of rounding rules
·         The Attendance system
o   reports user defined recommended actions when thresholds are met
o   tracks a history of time reporter’s attendance habits
o   assigns a point value to each infraction
o   uses pre-defined actions or you can create your own
Rules Programs
·         Group rules together in a sequence and give the whole group a name
·         You would assign this rule program to the workgroup
·         Rules have a priority to tell the time admin. Process the order in which to execute the rules - rules with a shorter time frame should be processed first
·         Are the only method to assign attendance program to time reporters
Time Administration
·         A facility to create payable time based on customer’s business rules by:
o   creating rules using objects and templates
o   building rules that warn of exception condition
o   processing business rules which affect a time reporter’s earnings or task information
o   Generates payable time based upon time reported for positive time reporters
o   Generates payable time based on scheduled time for all time reporters
o   Calculates an estimate of gross payroll earnings for all Time & labor earnings
o   Validates comp and leave plan balances
·         Two main components of the time administration
o   Create rules - online tools that enable you to create, compile and apply rules to reported or scheduled time
o   Batch Processing - applies your rules to time reporter data and generates payable time from reported or scheduled time
Integration With Payroll
·         Steps for preparing and running a payroll
o   Run the time admin. Process in Time and labor to calculate payable time
o   Load payable time into PS Payroll
o   Run the payroll process and finalize the payroll run
o   Extract data from payroll and send to Time and Labor
o   Triggers the labor distribution and labor dilution process

Integration With PS Financials
·         Integrate with PeopleSoft projects so you can accurately track the time and labor-related costs of your projects
·         Use commitment accounting functionality with task reporting to track labor costs at the chartfield level
·         Integrate with PeopleSoft mobile time and expense through PeopleSoft expenses so that time reporters can enter time remotely
·         Enable time reporters to report time to the business units and activities defined in PeopleSoft enterprise performance management (EPM)