What is Security Set and Security Type ? How they are different ??
Security Set - a grouping of data that is being secured.
The sets differ by the origin of the transaction security data. For example, people of interest without jobs is a separate security set from people with jobs because the transaction data used to secure the access does not come from the JOB record, but from the PER_POI_SCRTY record.
Following the delivered security set
1) DEPT - Department - SJT_DEPT
2) PPLJOB - People with Jobs - SJT_PERSON
3) PPLPOI - People without Jobs - SJT_PERSON
4) PPLUSF - US Federal People with Jobs - SJT_PERSON_USF
5) RSOPN - Recruiting Job Openings. - HRS_SJT_JO
Security Types - SCRTY_TYPE_TBL
Security access types are different ways of securing the data within a security set. Each security set has a number of security access types that you can choose to enable. Among other things, security access types determine:
Security access types are different ways of securing the data within a security set. Each security set has a number of security access types that you can choose to enable. Among other things, security access types determine:
1) The security transaction data.
2) there is data security for future-dated rows.
3) If the access type uses a department security tree.
Few of the Delivered security types
Security set Type Descr Trans. Record TreeDEPT 021 Departments by Tree DEPT_TBL DEPT_SECURITY
DEPT 022 Departments - non Tree DEPT_TBL
Few of the Delivered security types
Security set Type Descr Trans. Record TreeDEPT 021 Departments by Tree DEPT_TBL DEPT_SECURITY
DEPT 022 Departments - non Tree DEPT_TBL
DEPT 023 Departments by Setid DEPT_TBL
PPLJOB 001 Job Department Tree JOB DEPT_SECURITY
PPLJOB 002 Job Location JOB
PPLJOB 003 Job Business Unit JOB
PPLJOB 004 Job Company JOB